Past Life Hypnosis
Past Life Hypnosis – 3 Hours
Past Life Hypnosis - 3 hoursPast Life Regression using Hypnosis has been brought to the forefront as a way of treating subconscious anxiety and other concerns, by Dr Brian Weiss.
Past Life Regression is a form of hypnosis which allows the client to access deeply embedded memories of relationships and lives where events occured – ones which may still be affecting them to this day.
Sometimes we are just curious to see who we were and how we lived before – and this in itself can be both revealing and fascinating.
Some of the common misconceptions about PLR are that you are “asleep” when you are hypnotised, and that you don’t know nor have any recollection of what has happened, or what you have said. Another one is that the therapist tells you what your past lives were. None of these are true. Firstly, you are completely aware of everything around you and what you are saying and where you are. You are effectively talking to me on and off the whole way through your session, and we are simply having a dialogue as we would if your eyes were open and we were having a conversation.
What happens is more accurately that you are conscious but re-living an experience as someone else (but still you in soul form) from another time – or several other experiences, as each session is unique to the person having it. I don’t tell you who you were, you can rest assured, this is completely your experience, I am simply the facilitator to enable you to access things you have already experienced and actually already subconsciously know, or feel.
Having said this, Past Life Regression is not for everyone, and we can identify that in our preliminary talk prior to booking where needed.
Bookings are essential and based on time as some people will require longer than others and may regress into more than one life in one session.
A 3 hour appointment is the usual time needed.
Available Saturday or Sunday Evenings by appointment, from 5pm with Junia.
Certified by B Weiss Institute, USA.
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