Initial Herbalist/Naturopathic consultation – 75 min
Initial Herbalist/Naturopathic ConsultationAs Herbalists and Naturopaths, we take our time to get to know you and what health concerns you experience.
We then prescribe dietary changes, stress management, herbal medicine, homoeopathic as well as nutritional medicine in the form of Practitioner only Supplements.
All of these support your body in its efforts to heal and repair.
We also read your blood tests to check your results and we ask you to fill out our comprehensive questionnaire to identify areas of health concerns for you.
Our initial consultation is where we do most of our detective work, and we ask for a commitment of three shorter follow up consultations a month apart initially so as to ensure progress and to make room for inevitable questions and support needed when taking on new protocols and forming new healthy habits.
We also often need to adjust your herbs as you move through different stages of healthy change.
We also help you if you fall off your plan and help you get back on your path to wellness !
What ailments can a Herbalist and Naturopath help you with?
Just about any health condition can benefit from Naturopathic treatment.
Some of the areas of specialty at Sage Beauty are:
- Coming off contraception to restore healthy fertile cycles
- Hormonal problems including PMS, endometriosis, fibroids, PCOS, heavy periods and period pain
- Skin problems including acne and teen acne, eczema and rosacea
- Digestive problems including IBS, constipation, bloating and reflux
- Thyroid Disorders.
- Gut issues.
- PMS and painful or irregular periods.
- Fertility problems – for both partners.
- Lyme Disease
- Immune problems
- Headaches/Insomnia
- Neurodegenerative Disorders
- Joint Pain and Arthritic conditions
- Fatigue
- Nervous system conditions
- Mental Health and associated conditions
- Allergies
- Detoxification – an excellent 6 week programme that will have you jumping out of your skin with
energy! (and improve your skin at the same time!) - Sugar addiction/Sugar cravings
- Candida
- Helping you understand your blood tests and what to look for.
However, you don’t have to be sick to see a Naturopath. As the old saying goes – “prevention is the best medicine”.
Many people come to see us for regular ‘Wellness checkups’ as well.
We also offer Free Supplement Consultations to make sure you aren’t doubling up or spending money on supplements that you don’t need, or that are not going to have a therapeutic effect due to incorrect dosage or poor quality.
Regular appointments (sometimes just once or twice a year) help to keep you motivated to stick with your healthy diet and lifestyle (although you might be surprised at just how yummy a healthy diet really is!). We can help you to fine tune your diet and supplements so you can get the most out of your work, rest and play.
Health Fund rebates are currently unavailable due to Government regulations. Please contact Health Minister and voice your concerns at the removal of our profession from Health Fund Rebates, adding that this is largely a women’s profession and it appears not only discriminatory but also forfeiting our right to be recognised as a legitimate part of our valuable Health System.
Naturopath : Roxana Bestrin Fuentes is available Saturday, Monday and Thursday – specialises in Lyme Disease, Insomnia, Neurodegenerative and Gut Disorders.
Herbalist and Homoeopath : Junia Kerr is available Wednesday – Sunday – specialises in Hormone health and having healthy, pain free cycles as well as menopause and sleep !
Book an Appointment 75 min $195Follow-up Herbalist/Naturopathic Consultation – 45 min
Follow up Herbalist/Naturopath ConsultationAll initial consultations need follow-up appointments in order for the practitioner to gauge your progress and also answer the inevitable questions that arise. as well as often correcting dosages and adjusting herbs or supplements.
Naturopath: Roxana Bestrin Fuentes
Herbalist and Homoeopath : Junia Kerr
Follow-up Herbalist/Naturopathic consultation – 30 min
Follow up Herbalist/Naturopathic ConsultationAll initial consultations need follow-up appointments in order for the practitioner to gauge your progress and also answer the inevitable questions that arise, as well as often correcting dosages and adjusting herbs or supplements.
Naturopath: Roxana Bestrin Fuentes
Herbalist and Homoeopath : Junia Kerr
Initial Natural Fertility Consultation – 75 min
Natural Fertility TreatmentFor those of you who either want to be at your best pre-conception, or for others who are having difficulties conceiving, Natural Fertility treatment protocols can offer a great deal of support and information on what may be a relatively simple matter of change in diet or addition of supplementation or herbs to achieve having that little bundle of joy !!
If there are complex issues at hand, as there also can be, analysis and considered advice as well as help with testing or support from findings is often very welcome and a relief for many couples.
We also recommend if you have been on contraception, to have a year off contraception before trying to conceive so that you have the best chance of your hormones being in their natural balance, and healthily ovulating. Our opinion is, a healthy egg is a healthy baby, and also healthy sperm matter equally in this equation! As many of you know, men and women are suffering from increases in infertility and these are health issues that can be managed with good advice and supplements as well as herbs where needed. Herbs are particularly good for women who have stopped bleeding post pill/IUD and can help support your journey back to fertility.
Junia is also available for support and appropriate supplement advice as well as herbal tinctures – and some myth-busting so that you can have a much easier navigation through your pregnancy.
We also recommend wonderful and personal IVF support with Dr Anne Clark at Fertility First.
Book an Appointment 75 min $225General Naturopathic Consultation – 60 min – after initial Consultation only
What is a Naturopath?
The term Naturopath is derived from “Nature Cure”. Naturopaths specialise in helping you to reclaim your health. Life is too short to spend it feeling tired & fatigued, struggling with your weight, being ruled by hormonal imbalances that can be regulated, being far too stressed, battling allergies or acne and problematic skin.
We believe that health is much more than just the absence of disease. Many people have experienced going to their doctor after feeling tired, fatigued and unwell for a period of time, only to find that according to their blood test results they’re perfectly healthy. However, this is not always the case and while it is very important to have regular blood tests and to visit your doctor for their advice and diagnosis, if your blood test doesn’t indicate anything amiss, you may ignore and miss out on understanding your symptoms and not realise that you can treat and improve your health in other beneficial ways.
This is why Naturopathy is often referred to as “Complementary Medicine” – as it complements our naturally occuring biochemistry with the use of phyto (plant derived) medicines and keen therapeutic observation. It also can complement medical treatments and enhance and support your health in ways and you might be pleasantly surprised with your results!
Our bodies and our minds have an amazing capacity for self-healing. Our experience as Naturopaths has shown us that if you provide the right environment and tools, your body will reward you with glowing health and abundant energy.
Our job as Naturopaths is to help you understand more deeply how your body works, as well as to identify and change any obstacles preventing your body from healing. These obstacles include a poor diet, too much or too little exercise, sleep problems, poor digestion, nutritional deficiencies, stress, hormonal imbalances, allergies and toxicity.
We are here as part of your journey to good health and to always support your choices.
Hicaps and Health Fund Rebates currently unavailable due to Government regulations. Please contact the current Health Minister and voice your concerns at the removal of our profession from Health Fund Rebates, adding that this is largely a women’s profession and it appears not only discriminatory but also forfeiting our right to be recognised as a legitimate part of our valuable Health System.
Book an Appointment 60 min $165Past Life Hypnosis
Past Life Hypnosis – 3 Hours
Past Life Hypnosis - 3 hoursPast Life Regression using Hypnosis has been brought to the forefront as a way of treating subconscious anxiety and other concerns, by Dr Brian Weiss.
Past Life Regression is a form of hypnosis which allows the client to access deeply embedded memories of relationships and lives where events occured – ones which may still be affecting them to this day.
Sometimes we are just curious to see who we were and how we lived before – and this in itself can be both revealing and fascinating.
Some of the common misconceptions about PLR are that you are “asleep” when you are hypnotised, and that you don’t know nor have any recollection of what has happened, or what you have said. Another one is that the therapist tells you what your past lives were. None of these are true. Firstly, you are completely aware of everything around you and what you are saying and where you are. You are effectively talking to me on and off the whole way through your session, and we are simply having a dialogue as we would if your eyes were open and we were having a conversation.
What happens is more accurately that you are conscious but re-living an experience as someone else (but still you in soul form) from another time – or several other experiences, as each session is unique to the person having it. I don’t tell you who you were, you can rest assured, this is completely your experience, I am simply the facilitator to enable you to access things you have already experienced and actually already subconsciously know, or feel.
Having said this, Past Life Regression is not for everyone, and we can identify that in our preliminary talk prior to booking where needed.
Bookings are essential and based on time as some people will require longer than others and may regress into more than one life in one session.
A 3 hour appointment is the usual time needed.
Available Saturday or Sunday Evenings by appointment, from 5pm with Junia.
Certified by B Weiss Institute, USA.
Ear Candling
Ear Candling – 60 min
Ear Candling (also known as Thermal Auricular Therapy) is a relaxing, non-invasive treatment of the ears.
Our Sage Ear Candling is a lovely restful hour long treatment where all you have to do is lie down and relax, letting us attend to you.
How Ear Candles work
Ear candles can be made from the natural ingredients such as beeswax, sage, honey extracts, St Johns Wort, chamomile, beta-carotene and organically grown flax. Ear candles work on a “chimney principle”, creating a vacuum and drawing some potential wax from the ear into the hollow tube of the candle. Some of this residue can be found in the candle wax after its removal from the ear. It is quite visible, a plug shape.
Remember, if in doubt about your ear health, always refer to your GP for advice – first and foremost.
The Treatment
You are asked to lie on your side, relax and listen to soothing music. The candle is then lit and gently placed into the auditory canal. It is held in a vertical position and the candle is kept nice and steady. You will experience a pleasant crackling sound as the candle burns and we remove the candle at intervals to clear the hollow tube.
As the candle burns down, the residual ash turns to dust inside the candle. The candle is taken away three times and emptied of wax and residue. Then you are asked to turn over to treat the other ear in the same manner. Most clients find the whole experience very relaxing.
Book an Appointment 60 min $110Homoeopathy
Constitutional Homoeopathic Consultation – 2 hours
The simplest way to describe Homoeopathy is that it is based on a “like cures like” system of healing. A remedy is designed to stimulate a response in an individual, based on the understanding that our systems are chemical factories, and all we are doing is prompting a chemical response with a remedy which has it’s own chemical structure. This remedy interacts with our biochemistry and as natural remedies are what we call “phyto-medicines” these medicines work synergistically with our systems in a more compatible way as their chemical structure is closer to our own.
So, homoeopathic remedies are designed to work with our bodies defence systems to stimulate our immune systems to fight off infection more efficiently.
Drops of diluted substances are taken under the tongue, and are flavourless, which is good for young children and anyone who has an aversion to stronger tasting medicine.
Treatment can be for almost anything:
- Colds and flus
- Headaches, temperatures
- Skin problems such as psoriasis, eczema, allergies, hives, rashes, measles
- Allergic reactions to stings and bites
Deeper issues such as asthma, liver and kidney problems, depression and other ailments can all be treated with remedies to help balance and calm the mind and body.
In your first appointment we will go through your and your family history which does take longer than many initial appointments due to the focus on the emotional and physical responses that you experience and have – sometimes we will discuss certain areas more in depth depending on the level of importance and impact of that experience in your life.
Your remedies are included in the cost of your appointments.
Hicaps and Health Fund Rebates are currently unavailable due to Government regulations. Please contact Health Minister Greg Hunt here voice your concerns at the removal of our profession from Health Fund Rebates, adding that this is largely a women’s profession and it appears not only discriminatory but also forfeiting our right to be recognised as a legitimate part of our valuable Health System.
Book an Appointment 120 min $180
Kids Homoeopathic Consult (incl. remedy)
Treating children with Homoeopathic remedies has always been such a delight, as children are happy to take the remedies as they don’t have a lot of flavour, and are often quick to work on acute conditions.
The simplest way to describe Homoeopathy is that it is based on a “like cures like” system of healing. A remedy is designed to stimulate a response in an individual, based on the understanding that our systems are chemical factories, and all we are doing is prompting a chemical response with a remedy which has it’s own chemical structure. This remedy interacts with our biochemistry and as natural remedies are what we call “phyto-medicines” these medicines work synergistically with our systems in a more compatible way as their chemical structure is closer to our own.
A nice example of a remedy used often for children is Ipecac – a remedy you used to be able to get from any pharmacy to treat your kids when they vomit. Homoeopathic Ipecac is safe to use as it is in a diluted form, so can be also used with babies, for example.
Harping back to the “like cures like” philosophy, if you give Ipecac to someone who isn’t sick, it can potentially make them vomit. This is the principle of homoeopathy.
So, homoeopathic remedies are designed to work with our bodies defence systems to stimulate our immune systems to fight off infection more efficiently.
Drops of diluted substances are taken under the tongue, and are flavourless, which is good for young children and anyone who has an aversion to stronger tasting medicine.
Treatment can be for almost anything:
- Colds and flus
- Headaches, temperatures
- Skin problems such as psoriasis, eczema, allergies, hives, rashes, measles
- Allergic reactions to stings and bites
Deeper issues such as asthma, liver and kidney problems, depression and other ailments can all be treated with remedies to help balance and calm the mind and body.
Book an Appointment 15 min $45Subscribe to Newsletter
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