LED Light Therapy Facials for Acne and Skin Rejuvenation

18 Apr 2018
LED Light Therapy Facials for Acne and Skin Rejuvenation

LED light therapy was originally developed to fast track wound healing and to help treat and prevent post-surgical scars. It was quickly noted that rejuvenation of the surrounding skin was a bonus side effect and now LED light therapies are making waves in the beauty industry for their ability to help your skin age gracefully by repairing skin damage and superficial wrinkles, treating acne, improving circulation and promoting skin rejuvenation.

Adult Acne: Skincare and Makeup

21 Nov 2017
Adult Acne: Skincare and Makeup

Do you feel like you’ve tried EVERYTHING in an attempt to stop your skin breaking out or looking red, rashy and irritated? Did you know that your adult acne could be caused by your favourite skincare, makeup or even hair product! Even skincare designed to treat acne and labelled as ‘non comedogenic’ or pore blocking can cause acne.

Adult Acne: Hormones

18 Nov 2017
Adult Acne: Hormones

Adult acne can be one of the most frustrating conditions to live with. Many of the treatments for teen acne make adult acne even worse. But you don't have to learn to live with adult acne, once you understand how stress, hormones, toxicity, gut health, skin care products and genetics all contribute to the development of adult acne you can start to make positive and proactive changes for healthier, beautiful and blemish free skin.

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